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The transmission of signals from point to point is an important part of any control system.  The economical transmission of signals is vital where long distances are involved.  Licence free radio frequencies are available for this purpose and Interflex have been successful in developing a range of units for this purpose. 

Pictured on the left is a transmission unit for up to eight discreet signals which are generated by a smart relay.  The signals are received by a single receiver and then acted upon.

The panel  is complete with antenna, power supply, terminals, hours run meters, smart relay and user switches.

If you have an application of this type please give us a ring, we would be pleased to talk to you.

Radio remote control panel




Interflex Electrical Engineering Ltd | Unit 16,Bleak Hill Way,Mansfield,NG18 5EZ  | Company registered in England 6240545

VAT Reg no.889141877